If you are going to be opening a retail store, you will need to chose a method for construction of your retail building.
One versatile and cost-effective option is to build a prefabricated metal building. In this post, we will introduce you to the benefits of metal prefab buildings for retail stores, and tell you how you can get started ordering a custom prefab retail store building.
Why Consider a Prefab Metal Storefront For Your Retail Store?
Before we get into the benefits, let’s first explain quick what a prefabricated metal building is.
A prefab metal structure is a metal building constructed from components that are prefabricated in a factory.
After prefabrication, these components are shipped to the site as a metal building kit. Final assembly then takes place at the site.
7 Benefits of Choosing a Metal Building for a Retail Store
Here are some reasons to consider a retail metal building:
- Save money: It costs less to build a metal prefabricated retail store than it does to build the entire structure on the site using traditional methods of construction.
- Save time: Not only is it more cost-effective to build a metal prefab retail building, but it is also a more rapid process. Traditional construction on-site can be subject to delays due to issues like weather events. But in a factory, those types of delays can be bypassed. The entire process is more efficient. What is left to do on the site is minimal, and can be carried out quickly.
- Customize: There are plenty of ways you can customize the configuration and features of a metal retail building, ensuring you get exactly what you need.
- Minimize maintenance: You do not have to put much work into maintaining a metal building over the long term. Metal, especially steel, does a fantastic job weathering the effects of time and climate, and rarely needs major repairs.
- An eco-friendly choice: Retail metal buildings can be constructed using recycled materials. Because they are long-lasting and durable, and can be designed in an energy-efficient way, they are eco-friendly. Minimal waste is generated through the prefabrication process compared to traditional on-site construction methods. The retail building itself could also be recycled in the future, if necessary. So, choosing a prefabricated metal building is a good way to align your retail brand with eco-conscious ideals.
- Protect your retail business: If you want to keep the contents of retail buildings safe from harsh weather, fire and pests, metal buildings work well. Pests do not chew through metal the way they do wood. Metal is not combustible. And steel is sturdy in the face of high winds. This makes metal retail buildings an excellent investment in your business.
- Enjoy a lasting structure: Stainless steel retail metal buildings are constructed to last through decades of use with little to no degradation.
Customization Options for Retail Stores
There are multiple ways you can customize retail metal buildings during the design process. Here are a few customization options you can consider.
- You can choose the dimensions you need, including the length, width and height (high ceilings are a common requirement for retail buildings).
- Decide on whether to have one open space inside your retail building, or dividers to separate certain spaces (i.e. a separate storeroom).
- Choose options for insulation, HVAC, and climate control.
- Pick options to customize the lighting inside your store.
- There may be various options for the placement of doors and windows, as well as the finishing and appearance of the interior and exterior of the building.
The exact options available for customizing your retail metal buildings will depend on the builder you are working with.
How to Build a Metal Building Retail Store
Let’s say you have decided that a prefab metal building is right for your needs as a retail owner. What is the process like to construct a metal retail building?
The specific steps can vary from builder to builder, but here is a general idea of what to expect.
1. First, you need to decide on a site for your retail building. At this time, you can also decide on a builder to work with.
Try to pick one that has extensive experience with retail buildings, not just metal buildings in general.
2. Choose a size and layout for your retail building.
This should be a pretty straightforward step.
4. Customize your metal retail building.
Work with the metal building company to customize your design. In some cases, this is as simple as making some selections and then placing an order. In others, it might involve a consultation with a designer where you collaborate on more specialized building plans.
5. Apply for permits and financing.
Next, apply for the building permits that are required by your city and/or county. Then, apply for financing. Bring as much documentation (including permits) as you can when you submit your application for a loan.
6. Order your metal retail building.
After you have been approved for a loan for your retail building, you will be able to finalize your order with the building company.
The next stage in the process just involves waiting while the building company does its work prefabricating the components at their factory. They will give you an estimate in advance for how long this part will take.
While it should be a straightforward process, it is always a good idea to regularly check your messages, just in case the builder needs to ask you something.
7. The metal building kit is shipped.
The retail metal building kit will be shipped to your location once the prefabrication is completed.
If you work with a metal building company that has a factory near your location, this can help you to minimize your shipping costs. Shipping will also be less expensive in scenarios where the terrain is easy to cross.
8. Final assembly takes place.
When the metal building kit is delivered, it will need to be assembled on-site. Since most construction has already been completed, minimal personnel and equipment are needed. The building company may provide you with personnel, or you might need to hire contractors, depending on the process.
Once your metal retail store building is completed and hooked up to utilities, you can begin moving in your shelves and other equipment, as well as your merchandise. You can then look forward to opening your doors to the public.
If you are ready to begin this process for yourself, click the links below to visit our recommended metal building companies for custom quotes on metal retail buildings.